Final paper guidelines Spring 2019 And Assignment Detail
Now that you have your six articles, it is time to write the final paper. The paper is to be three to five pages in length and is to cover the topic of memory since that is what the six articles cover, right?
The type of paper I want you to write is a research report. That is what the articles you have read are. They are meant to report information they are not persuasive, informative, or opinion papers. You are presenting data found by research that has been completed on the topic. More specifically, you will be completing is the literature review found in the Introduction section of a paper (since you will not actually be conducting independent research).
That stated, one way to approach the paper is like this:
What do my articles have in common?
Where are these differences in the ideas?
How do they all relate to memory?
What you should not do is write about each individual article and connect them with transitional phrases. That is basically what you did with the summaries. It is now time to integrate the topics. Focus on the topic of memory and show me how information from the articles tie together or how they disagree with each other.
There are three components to the paper and they should be in this order: cover page, body of the paper, and references. Each one will have a specific set of instructions to go along with it. Remember, everything is to be double spaced and in Times New Roman size 12. That includes the header and cover page. All of the other requirements that I have listed on the previous assignments are also in place.
Cover Page: Look over the cover page you did for assignment 6 and make any corrections necessary. Your cover page will include the following information:
In the header: your last name and the page number. The easiest way to do this in Word is to go to Insert Page Number and place it in the upper right-hand corner; then type in your last name with a space between your name and the page number. DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE THE FONT! Centered on the page left to right and top to bottom: the title and name blocks. This is two separate blocks of information and separated by an extra double space. on the title is your chance to be a bit creative you could just call it something like Memory (without the quotation marks), or you can jazz it up a bit. on the name block will include your name (first and last), your section, Introduction to Psychology, and Spring 2019. on the cover page is page 1. on Notice that there is no mention of your instructors name on the cover page.
Body: this is where you write about what you learned. Since you have your personal information on the cover page, you should start your writing on the top line of the page. You do not need to include the title for the paper or a name block here they are included on the cover page.
You will need to cite the information as well tell me where your ideas come from and give those authors their due. You should include all six of the articles, and if you have found others as well, feel free to use them.
Again, write about the topic of memory, not about the individual articles. Combine the ideas.
References: The References are on the final page and must be started on a new page. Most likely, you can include them on a single page. Look over the References page that you completed before and follow that sample. If you are still unsure of how to do it, come see me.
General guidelines: Again, look over all of the prior assignments. Pay attention to details. Proofread and edit your assignment.
You are not allowed to use quotes in your final paper. I want to see your writing.
Finally, while you are proof-reading and editing, look for the things you know Ill be looking for second person voice, contractions, sentences beginning with a conjunction, stating that something has been proven, etc. If you have any combination of these things three (3) times on your final paper, I will quit reading at the third error and your final score will be a 20 out of 35 points. This works out to a 59% for the final paper and can seriously hurt your final portfolio score.
And remember your papers are to be YOUR work.
Assignment Detail
Reference & summary
MacDuffie, K. E., Atkins, A. S., Clark, C. M., Flegal, K. E., & Reuter-Lorenz, P. E. (2012). Memory distortion in Alzheimer’s disease: Deficient monitoring of short- and long-term memory. Neuropsychology, 26(4), 509-516. DOI:10.1037/a0028684
MacDuffie, Atkins, Clark, Flegal, and Router-Lorenz (2012) studied Alzheimers disease (AD) patients short-term memory and long-term memory. In comparison of healthy participants and participants with AD, AD participants were more impaired on long-term memory. Lastly, they found short-term memory in AD participants indicates they have weak ability to control. They cannot monitor their initial learning for second also and within a couple of minutes, they forget short-term learning.
Reference & summary
Ozubko, J. D., & Fugelsang, J. (2011). Remembering makes evidence compelling: Retrieval from memory can give rise to the illusion of truth. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37(1), 270-276. DOI:10.1037/a0021323
Ozubko and Fugelsang (2011) described the illusion of truth, when a statement is repeated than the perception of the validity also increases. They did an experiment and found that if the person is already familiar with the subject, it will be easier for them to recall the retrieve memory. In experiment, they demonstrate the factual statement and inference statement. In the experiment, they repeat the statement twice. In the final round, they show the factual statement four times. Lastly, they found the retrieval memory is best method to increase the memory retrieval is the use of validity statements. It also effects in the illusion of truth and can be observed without polling factual and inference statement.
Reference & summary
Hyman, I. E., Burland, N. K., Duskin, H. M., Cook, M. C., Roy, C. M, McGrath, J. C., & Roundhill, R. F. (2013). Going Gaga: Investigating, creating, and manipulating the song stuck in my head. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 204-215. DOI: 10.1002/acp2897
In this Article, they do five different types of research about song. The researchers study shows how songs stick in the peoples heads and influence intrusive thought. In the survey and experiment diary study they found its common experienced intrusive thought. In the three experiments, they found that when songs play continuously in peoples heads after listening to it, the songs return as an intrusive song. They also found the song they like became the intrusive song and stuck in their head. The researchers report that the number of times they played a song also influence their thoughts. Its also manipulated by the activities they do. Songs return in their head when people having less load of work.
Reference & summary
Bowden, V. K., Visser, T. A., & Loft, S. (2017). Forgetting induced speeding: Can prospective memory failure account for drivers exceeding the speed limit? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23(2), 180-190. DOI:
Bowden et al. (2017) did three different experiments on prospective memory (PM) failure. Their experiments show how drivers speed unintentionally because of factors such as PM failure and interruption lag. In experiment 1A and 1B, they interruptions lead to a general failure to follow changed speed limits, rather than only leading to increased speeding. In experiment 2 and 3, they manipulated variables expected to influence of PM failures and subsequent speeding after an interruption. PM failure also plays a crucial role in speeding under certain driving conditions.
Reference & summary
Marsh, J. E., Patel, K., Labonte, K., Threadgold, E., Skelton, F. C., Fodarella, C., . . . Vachon, F. (2017). Chatting in the face of the eyewitness: The impact of extraneous cell-phone conversation on memory for a perpetrator. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue Canadienne de psychologie experimentale, 71(3), 183-190.
Marsh et al. (2017) did experiments on chatting in the face of the eyewitness. Their experiments show whether ignored cell-phone conversation impairs eyewitness memory for a perpetuation. Marsh et al. (2017) did four conditions of the experiments with male candidates. They found different information such as meaningful dialogue, meaningful halfalogue, meaningless halfalogue, and quiet. The results are novel in that they suggest that an everyday distraction, even when presented in a different modality to target information, can impair the long-term memory of an eyewitness.
Reference & summary
Summerfelt, H., Lippman, L., & Hyman, I. E. Jr., (2010). The effect of humor on memory: Constrained by the pun. The Journal of General Psychology, 137(4), 376-394.
Summerfelt et al. (2010) did experiments on how humor affects memory. How memory can be constrained by a pun. They did four different experiments with a different group of participants. None of the participants were repeated. They exposed the knock-knock jokes are retained from the pun or modified from removed the pun. In the first experiment, they found it improves both the recall and recognition memory. In the second experiment evidence that rehearsal is, nor the cause of the humor effects is found. When they did experiment third & fourth; they found constraints imposed by the puns and incongruity may responsible for humor effects (Summerfelt et al., 2010).
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